Friday, February 08, 2008

Rank four on Google for my Blog?

Today I was curious and just googled for windbg.
Surprisingly I noticed, that my blog got rank 4:

I do not understand this, because there are lots of blogs (Tess, Dimtry, John just to name three of the best) outside that earn a much higher ranking than this one. The primary intent of this blog was to extend my brain which unfortunately is easily loosing things over time. So if you should hit my blog just googling for windbg make sure to visit the blogs on my roll...

BTW: Tess is currently conducting an online training on windbg. Check it out...


Anonymous said...

Because you have WinDbg in your title and subdomain name? I'll test this by posting a blog post with just WinDbg title. I'll also create a subdomain called to see how it works toward SEO :-)

Anonymous said...

Check this link: :-)

Volker von Einem said...

OK let's see if it works. I haven't seen the site in the top rankings yet but I'll check again later...